In the Classroom

Restorative Practices In the Classroom

Procedures and routines that cultivate connectedness and trust must be established and must be taught, modeled and reinforced each day for students. This sets the stage for increased academic engagement and social success. The following practices are essential to effective teaching and learning in all learning environments


Responding to Behavior

Restorative practices give us new tools to replace outdated and ineffective methods of punishment and suspension. It helps us focus on intentional, inclusive, and respectful ways of thinking about, talking about, and responding to issues or problems that arise. 

  1. Minor Disruptions (link)
  2. Correction Procedure (link)
  3. Provide corrective, actionable feedback to teach the appropriate behavior. A correction procedure should be:
    • Specific, using language from your classroom and/or school-wide behavior matrix
    • Private, when possible
    • Delivered in a respectful manner, keeping in mind tone, volume and cadence
  4. Restorative Questions (link)


Additional Classroom Resources

Center on PBIS | Video (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where all students succeed. 

More Info on Restorative Practices Restorative Practices is an evidence based strategy to improve learning and social environments.